Citing Your Sources

There are a number of different format styles for citations. Which style you use depends upon the subject area you are working in. Normally, your professor will specify which style you should use for a given assignment.

Each style includes the same basic parts of a citation, but may organize them slightly differently and refer to them differently in your paper.

Some Commonly Used Writing Style Guides:


The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA)
The APA style is often used by students in the social sciences.


MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
The MLA (Modern Language Association) style, is often used by students in languages and English.

Chicago Manual of Style A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
This commonly-used style by Kate Turabian is a student version of a longer guide, The Chicago Manual of Style.
Detailed information about style guides can be found on the library's citation page.
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